My journey with Human Design
“This is you,” my friend Deepak said, pointing to the computer monitor in his apartment in Taipei. It was summer 2006, and I had been living in Taiwan for a year, teaching English at a kindergarten.
I looked at the screen and, for the first time in my life, saw a Human Design chart. My chart. My eyes focused on the top two centers, two triangles pointing up and down, and I immediately recalled a dream I’d had about a year earlier. In the dream, I was inside some kind of pyramid, watching two triangles in the shape of the Star of David . One of the triangles slowly floated upward, the other downward, until they were fully separated and aligned just like the two top centers in the chart.
So the moment I saw my chart, my intuition screamed: "I need to know more!!!"
I am a Manifesting Generator 2/4, IC of Sleeping Phoenix
I was born on February 21st, 1976 at 4:24 am in Litomerice, Czech Republic
At the time, I had already spent several years in intense meditation and exploring various paths to inner freedom. I experienced beautiful states of consciousness, but my life, my external reality, remained just as unsatisfying as before. I longed to find something that would help me feel grounded in everyday life and live a meaningful existence. I didn’t yet know that Human Design would be the answer to my wish, but I immediately began to explore what it was.
Three weeks later, that same friend led an introductory course on Human Design (“Living Your Design”). A few weeks after that, I booked my first foundational reading, completed the same course online, and have been studying Human Design ever since. I gradually went through all the courses of the general and professional training, first with Lynda Bunnell, director of IHDS, and later again with Genoa Bliven, director of Human Design America.
Genoa became my mentor and friend. Since 2010, I have been assisting him in the Living Your Design, Rave ABC and Rave Cartography courses, as well as all levels of the professional training (PTL). I have also been translating his lessons into czech and organized summer seminars with Genoa in the Czech Republic from 2011 to 2014. (I continue doing these retreats on my own every summer.)
Given my 2/4 profile, I naturally became the messenger of Human Design System in Czech and Slovak Republics, where literally nobody knew about it. I have done many public introductions, in-person classes and seminars, workshops, interviews, podcasts and even TV appearances. Throughout my professional career, I have also done nearly 4000 readings for clients from all over the world.
I have guided hundreds of students through various levels of Human Design education from the Living Your Design course all the way to the end of professional training (PTL4) and final certification exam. I love the online teaching, as well as the in-person seminars that I do in the Czech Republic.
I enjoy sharing my perspective on HD in order to support personal growth of others. My main focus and interest can be seen in my Incarnation cross – charismatically empowering others, so that we can achieve relational and spiritual abundance together.
You can listen to this podcast with two of my former students (and current HD teachers), where I spoke about my personal journey from meditation practices to discovering Human Design as a source of grounding: Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
May your journey with Human Design bring you home to yourself
Jakub Stritezsky
Who am I?