human design
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My name is Jakub Stritezsky.
I am a certified Human Design teacher and analyst.

I clearly remember the fascination and excitement I felt when, as a 14 year old, I read my first book about meditation, energy and Eastern spirituality. Over time, this fascination evolved into a search for transformation and expansion. I soon found out that reading books didn't change me at all and my attempts to meditate didn't bring any real transformation either.

Twelve years later, I still hadn't met any teacher, teaching or system, which could really help me progress. I was 26 and going through some soul-searching. Having the funds and time to do so, I went to India. Not in search of something overly spiritual, simply to travel, rest and swim in the sea. After about 3 weeks, I "accidentally" met a friend who introduced me to a unique way of meditation practice, to which I responded very strongly. I dedicated myself fully to this practice. For the first time, I touched my true essence, I felt my heart opening and the world literally changed in front of my eyes, even though everything stayed the same.

Yet despite how I experienced myself inside, my inner state remained in a painful disharmony with my psychological tendencies and the outer circumstances of my life. I hoped that the inner would somehow embrace the outer, but that didn't happen. Slowly I realized that in order to move forward, I needed to let go of my focus on the inner. Although I didn't know how, I clearly saw the need for more grounding and harmony in my outer life. I needed to be comfortable with myself, with the way I make money, with how I relate to people etc. (Later I've found out that I have the channel of a Materialist, someone who needs to embrace the material plane fully. How appropriate.)

My design - Manifesting Generator with a 2/4 profile.

By the time I was 30, I came across a number of therapeutic approaches and spiritual techniques. It was all helpful but it wasn't IT - that something I was searching for. I deeply wished to find something that could bring more grounding into my life. It was then that I met Human Design, in summer 2006. A friend of mine, Deepak Vidmar, who was a close friend of Ra Uru Hu, had my chart on his computer screen one day when I came for a visit. He showed it to me and said: “This is you”.

Whoa! Ever since I first saw my chart, I was hooked, wanting to know more. Almost immediately, I began studying Human Design and went through all the courses of the general and professional training, first with Lynda Bunnell (head teacher at International Human Design School) and later again with Genoa Bliven (head teacher at Humand Design America). Genoa became my mentor and friend. Since 2010, I have been assisting him in the Living Your Design, Rave ABC and Rave Cartography courses, as well as in all levels of the professional training (PTL), translating his lessons into Czech and holding live workshops after each of his class. I have also been organizing transformational workshops with Genoa in the Czech Republic since 2011.

Since 2011, I am organizing transformational workshops with Genoa Bliven, head teacher
of Human Desig America.

Living in Prague and given my 2/4 profile, I naturally became the messenger of Human Design System in the Czech Republic, where literally nobody knew about it. Since 2008, I have done many public introductions, live classes, workshops, some interviews and even TV appearances. I have also done over 2.000 Foundation Readings for clients from all over the world.

By now, I've guided over 450 students through Living Your Design, which is a foundational course of Human Design System. Many of them continued their studies in the following courses (and 15 of them are in the final stages of professional training). In these courses, I was their guide and Genoa’s assistant. I cannot emphasize enough how important it was for me to be able to work with students (and often times also reading clients) live, in-person. It presented me with many opportunities to discuss, share and grow in my understanding of the Human Design. From July 2015, I am also teaching the LYD course on-line for Human Design America (click here for details).

Many faces of the Human Design community - students from various courses and workshops.

Human Design was the answer to my questions and the need for grounding. It became a wonderful tool, guide in understanding myself and improving the quality of my life on all levels. It helps me to be more real and true to myself. With surprise, I've noticed this gentle feeling of being all right, just fine and enjoying my life - the sense that I don't need to change anything to make the present moment better. I understood much about my own nature and that of other people. And it has helped me greatly in all my relationships.

Being in my 9th year into the experiment, and having seen the transformation of my friends, students and clients first hand, it is very clear to me how powerful and precious this knowledge is. I wish for everyone who so desires to have the opportunity to know his/her own design.

I can offer you my experience, structured understanding and sensitive support. To introduce you to yourself, your magic, your power and your weakness, so that you can let go of projections, conditioning and expectations. So that you can live the life that you were born to live.

In return, you give me my living. I trust that this will always be a fair trade.


Wishing you good luck and self-love,