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  Client testimonials
  Children and Human Design



Reading Analysis for children usualy takes 40-50 min and costs $ 147.


Human Design is here especially for children and is an invaluable help in raising them up. Children come to this world as themselves and it is the influence of parents’ own conditioning and environment that gradually moves them away from their true nature. To know the design of your child and respect them for who they are is a great blessing for your child. It saves them from dealing with many unnecessary obstacles. You’ll understand their challenges and gifts and will be able to support their harmonic development.

The Not-Self is something that came about as a result of not living - or not being able to live - one's truth. It is not something we were born with. The moment child cannot be herself, the open centers become places where she is very vulnerable. The Not-Self strategies are therefore established to protect the child from the discomfort it experiences. The Not-Self is a set of subconscious behavioral programs and patterns that govern our behavior. How many norms and generalizations were we expected to fit in? How many times are children forced to give up what’s natural for them in exchange for what their are told to.

There is no fault or blame. Our parents acted in a good faith, just like we do. But there is a chance to do things differently, the way that really works. Human Design offers you some very simple and practical tools to raise your child, which can make life easier. Applying these will support your child’s growth and transition into a healthy and original human being.

it is necessary that you have your own reading PRIOR to ordering a reading for your child. That will allow you to have a personal experience with Human Design and help you to better understand & apply the information.